Studio Work

I was contacted recently by my friend, Henry Davis, the brilliant graphic artist about a project. He’d been retained by Allen “King Of The Oldies” Hill to produce a holiday card for Allen Hill Entertainment and he needed a photographer to assist in the project. Apparently he couldn’t find one, so he came to me.

Allen wanted a card that depicted himself ice skating on the reflection pool in front of Houston City Hall.

Since it rarely gets below freezing in these parts, much less does it ever snow, this was going to be a studio project combined with digital chicanery. We arranged to meet up at the Houston Chronicle to “borrow” their photography studio and staged what we needed and Henry did the rest in Photoshop.

It was my first time in a studio with the new flash. I think it came out pretty well.

For The Love Of Prime

A few shots from Thursday night. I took with me my new flash, my Sony 50mm and my Sony 16mm fisheye.

The 50mm has not been seeing a lot of use lately. I favor the Sigma 30mm for a bit wider angle. I forget how glorious this lens can be. Handheld, no flash portrait of Craig Kinsey of the Sideshow Tramps.

View On Black

Only now beginning to play with the fisheye. Of course, on a cropped sensor camera like mine, the fishseye does not give you the full 180° field of view. It actually comes out to 120°. You need a full frame camera like the Alpha 900 (which I am successfully resisting at this time) to get the full effect. Still, interesting. Wireless flash on the floor to my left. Check out the shadows!

View On Black

This was shot at point blank range of a very three dimensional art piece by Nicole Nasso hanging at The Upstairs Gallery.

Check out the detail when you View On Black

What really strikes me about the fisheye is the color reproduction and the spectacular sharpness and depth of field.

I’ve a lot to learn about he fisheye and the flash.

New Quilt

Cynthia has completed her latest quilt. It’s called “Jay’s Shirts Travel The World.”

During the course of creating my many custom shirts, Cynthia has ended up with a lot of unusual scraps of fabric. One of her goals is to make a quilt for each room and she created this one to hang in the laundry room. Each panel represents one of the shirts she has made for me placed in a situation that is in some kind of contast to the theme of the shirt.

Click on any of the panels below to see an enlargement

There are only 12 shirts represented, but my collection is well over 30 at this point.

Here are some additional detail shots to show the stitching and the buttons that were added to each panel

Photographing this quilt was a great opportunity to use the new flash unit.

QR Code Business Card