Fleetwood Mac @ The Toyota Center
After the Geek Gathering I wandered over to the Continental Club where I ran into Chris Gray, the music dude for The Houston Press. He asked if I was free on Saturday as he needed someone to shoot the Fleetwood Mac concert @ The Toyota Center. I told him I was available and he asked if I had a “long lens” because the photographers were going to have to shoot from the soundboard which is a pretty good distance from the stage.
My longest concert lens is my Tamron 70-200mm f/2.8 which works out to be about 300mm on my crop sensor Sony Alpha 700. I told him I would give it a try.
When I arrived @ The Toyota Center there were two other photographers, one with a Canon and a 400mm f/2.8 and another with a Nikon connected to a 300mm f/2.8 and each was armed with a monopod, something I have not yet invested in.
We were escorted to the soundboard before the show started and I was a little disheartened at the distance from the stage which was about 3/4 of the way to the back of the floor seats.
This shot was taken @ 70mm and gives you an idea of the distance
Yea, it was back a ways. I shot the show fully extended at 200mm without the benefit of a monopod. Thank you built in image stabilization from Sony!
Not bad, but I would have liked to have been closer, or had a lens with more reach and a monopod. Just not sure
Zappa – Them Or Us Tour 1984
Back in the 80’s, my brother John gave me a Yashica camera which was the first 35mm camera I ever used. I don’t remember the model or the specs, but it was pretty basic as I recall.
Zappa was coming through Houston in 1984 on his Them Or Us Tour and I wanted to get some pics. I knew I would have to smuggle the camera in and that meant flash photography was not an option. John told me about a technique called Push & Pull Processing where you increase the ISO setting on the camera to underexpose the film and then compensated for this in the darkroom. This would allow me to shoot without a flash and hopefully get something usable from the experience.
I had 7th row tickets to this show so a flash might have been helpful, but would certainly draw attention to what I was doing so I decided to shoot using this method.
Now back in the day security at concerts wasn’t all that secure. Still, if you had a camera bag you could get turned away at the door. And even if you did get the camera in the door, if security caught you shooting pics at a major show they wouldn’t take your camera, they would just take your film, usually pulling it from the camera or canister. I’d seen photographers lose a night’s work this way on several occasions.
With this in mind I felt confident my camera was not at risk, but I wanted to make sure I could pull off my plan and walk away at the end of the show with some photos.
I’d seen Zappa before. It was 1981 at The Fox Theater in San Diego. I noted that many of the fans came to the show dressed up in various costumes. I decided I would attend this concert dressed as a Sheik (a la Sheik Yerbouti). I could hide the camera gear in the folds of my robes and hopefully skirt security.
The plan worked better than I could have hoped. Concert security stood practically next to me during most of the show. They either thought I was supposed to be there, or decided that a guy who was dressed in such an attention grabbing manner could be ignored while they scanned the audience for real trouble. I was able to pull out the camera and shoot uninterrupted for the duration of the show.
The results were “so so” but I was happy enough with the results considering this was my first effort.
1984 Them Or Us Tour
Sam Houston Coliseum
Frank Zappa: guitar, vocals
Ray White: guitar, vocals
Ike Willis: guitar, vocals
Robert Martin: keyboards, tenor saxophone, French horn, vocals
Scott Thunes: bass
Alan Zavod: keyboards
Chad Wackerman: drums
Fun Fun Fun Fest
Chris Trew –Terp 2 It
It was with great anticipation that I headed off to shoot Fun Fun Fun Fest (my first music festival) this weekend. I could only take in one day of the two day festival as I needed to get back home on Sunday.
I arrived in Austin around noon and checked into my hotel and headed off to Waterloo Park to pick up my press credentials. The weather was fantastic and the crowd was very diverse and pleasant.
The festival organizers did a great job with the hospitality/media area. Comfy couches and chairs with workstations for getting online and chargers for personal electronics. Also food and drink. Top notch, all the way.
The various acts were available throughout the day for interviews and photos
The park was very dry and all the pedestrian traffic was kicking up a pretty hefty cloud of dust that was growing thicker and thicker as time went on. Unfortunately, this took a hefty toll on my ability to breath and by 6:00pm I began to crater and headed back to the hotel.
This meant missing The Dead Milkmen and a few other shows I wanted to catch.
What did get to see, I enjoyed.
Maybe next year I’ll take my portable respirator.
Grupo Fantasma
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