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You know that program for Windows called Weatherbug? That little application you install on your PC to give you weather updates live to your desktop? That program that chirps at you when a line of thunderstorms is barreling down on your location? Of course you do. You might even use it yourself.

I hate that program.

And this is not an idle hate, born of ignorance and perpetuated by misunderstandings. This is a hate born of experience and nurtured by facts.

As many people know, I am a huge anti-spyware activist. I write about it alot in my columns, I rant about it on my radio show and fight it each and every day at my job. I have even gone so far as to document my own remedy, affectionately known as the Jay Lee Patented Spyware Removal System that outlines some free programs and useful steps to help rid one’s computer of this scourge of technology.

Many years ago (back in the day as the kids say) when the Intraweb was just getting started ingenious web designers discovered that they could imbed HTML code in a web site that would cause a window to spontaneously erupt on your computer screen. And it wasn’t long before someone figured out that this window could hold an advertisement and the dreaded pop-up was born.

Web sites around the world utilized the pop-up as a way of pushing content to their web browsing visitors. These same sites recognized the earning potential of the pop-up when the realized they could sell this space to various advertisers like so many virtual billboards and pop-ups soon rivaled or even replaced the more common banner click-through ad that one would see on any given web page.

This, of course, gave birth to a burgeoning cottage industry. Pop-up blockers; useful little utilities that you could run on your computer that would close a pop-up window with a satisfying “pop” sound effect.

As pop-up blockers grew in popularity I can recall discussions on the ethics of using them. Otherwise sane people in the Internet industry would say “You must not run pop-up blockers! Those web site depend on the revenue of the advertisers! How will the web remain free?”

They argued that pop-ups were a necessary evil and that pop-up blockers were more harmful than helpful.

Nobody listened. Maybe they should have. Regardless, pop-up blockers became common place and pop-up ads were steadily being squashed. Web surfers were putting the mouse pedal to the metal and blazing along at speeds of 33.6 and some of the more fortunate propelled themselves forward at a staggering 56k.

Many web sites gave up as the potential revenue from pop-up ads declined. Why advertise in pop-up form if your potential audience never even saw the ad? Most advertisers went back to the old fashioned pay per hit method of the click-through banner ad and all seemed right with the world.

I don’t know what year it was. It had to be about five years ago. I was happily cruising along, surfing the net and for some reason I was compelled to look at the logs of my pop-up blocker (Adsgone as I recall) and I noticed that an awful lot of ads had been blocked in the short time I was surfing the web. For some now forgotten reason I decided to shut down the pop-up blocker and see what would happen.

Much to my dismay, my screen began to fill with pop-up advertisements! Not just the one or two you would expect from normal web browsing of the time, but dozens of them. As I dug around and explored and Google-searched the matter I came to a gruesome discovery. I had programs running on my computer that were generating pop-up ads! These were not the pop-ups I was familiar with, pop-ups generated by HTML code in a web site. These were coming from a stand alone program installed on my PC! Not only that but I noticed additional search bars in my web browser. Add-ons that were redirecting my web traffic to who knows where.

This is my first revelation and experience in dealing with what is commonly referred to today as spyware and adware.

Before I go on I should mention here that the term spyware is pretty loosely used these days. Many programs that are called spyware are not, in fact, spying on you. More often it is adware, software designed to steer you toward advertising. Another term for spyware and adware is malware (malicious software). No matter what you call it, it usually on your PC and you want it gone.

The primary culprit in my situation was a program called Weatherbug. Like so many people I just didn’t know that this little “free” utility came bundled with some other programs, programs that caused my computer to spew pop-up ads and installed browser helpers designed to redirect my web surfing to advertisers sites.

Weatherbug is a company and like any company they have one primary goal and that is to generate revenue.
Part of their revenue stream is derived from the add-ons to their software that generate the pop-ups and hijack your web browser. If you purchase their program you can get rid of the ads but if you want to use the “free” version you have to live with the pop-ups and other nastiness.

At this point I am annoyed. I looked at Weatherbug and checked out their Terms Of Use and End User License Agreement. It plainly states that the free version comes with MyWebSearch which is adware. If you remove MyWebSearch then Weatherbug ceases to function unless you opt for the pay version.

Fine by me. It’s all going away. I’ll get my weather from weather.com or NOAA.

The uninstall goes ok. Not great, but ok. I have to struggle a bit with it and go in and manually delete some things and it’s gone. I immediately notice an improvement in performance of my PC and I even get rid of my ad blocking software as the ads are minimal and I gain even more system resources.

Hallelujah! I’m free!

At this point I probably would not have given two darns or a heck about Weatherbug. In my mind it was a victory to discover that the program was a source of problems and simply ridding myself of it was all I needed to re-vitalize my Internet optimism. Little did I know what was coming.

In my day to day I do a lot of computer advising. My day job, my ra-didio show and my weekly column and almost daily Helpline blog not to mention the family members, friends and friends of friends who call, e-mail or shout their computer questions at me on a daily basis. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a chosen path and one I embrace.

In the course of solving my own problems I use this experience, strength and hope to assist others and it wasn’t long before a question about Weatherbug came along. I used it in my column for the Houston Chronicle and I outlined the pitfalls of this application and cautioned my readers against installing or using this program.

Much to my surprise I received not one, not two but THREE e-mails from three different employees of Weatherbug. Apparently my column was found and sent around their company. They each took the time to explain that their program was not spyware and it was not adware and how great they were and yadda-yadda-yadda. I tried e-mailing back and referencing the section in their Terms Of Use and End User License Agreement where it plainly states that the free version comes with MyWebSearch which is adware but they would have none of it.

After a few e-mail exchanges I gave up. Was this the end of my ongoing saga with Weatherbug? Nope!

As my crusade against spyware/adware/malware continued I found myself fielding question after question about this problem. I worked it into the column as often as I could. The radio show began to sound like the Spyware Show for crying out loud. This was/is a problem of epic proportions.

As I wrote my column I would end up mentioning Weatherbug on occasion. I was always careful not to call the program adware or spyware or even Malware. I just pointed out that if you have it installed on your computer you might find your life to be way more pleasant and worth living if you were to remove it.

And guess what? Each and every time I would mention it I would get contacted by Weatherbug challenging what I had to say.

I appreciate that they want to evangelize their product and protect it’s reputation. I even respect that. Sadly, one fact remains. When you install the free version you get a pile of software crap on your PC you would be better off without. I won’t hesitate to tell you that and I likely won’t be changing my position on this anytime soon.

I only casually mentioned Weatherbug in today’s HelpLine Blog which you can read here. I was comparing it to another malware offender known as Smiley Central which also installs garbage on your computer. The article had not been online more than one hour when I received a comment from the CTO of Weatherbug, Benjamin Beroukhim. He wanted to direct me to his editorial reply at networkworld.com where he was responding to NetBuzz columnist Paul McNamara and his recent observations regarding Weatherbug’s efforts to bolster their corporate image at the 2005 Interop conference in Las Vegas.

In his response to Mcnamara and Networkworld Beroukhim (The CTO of Weatherbug) went so far as to post this missive on the Weatherbug corporate blog in which he called into question Paul McNamara and Network World’s regard for human life. Good lord!

On of McNamara’s readers did respond by saying that “It looks like WeatherBug only cares about the lives of Windows-using employees since there is no version for Mac or Unix/Linux,” “Maybe it’s part of a bigger Microsoft plot to eliminate users of competing operating systems?”


So I guess this blog entry is my response to Beroukhim. With the proper tags in this blog entry and all the right keywords like “spyware” and “weatherbug” in the same story I fully expect a response from him or one of the other Weatherbug faitful within the hour. Maybe I should have him on the show?

Nahhhh…it would end up being an infomercial for malware and what kind of anti-spyware crusader would I be if I were to allow that to happen?

I would like to go out on a positive note and I will do that by promoting Konfabulator (now called Yahoo Widget Engine), a nifty desktop utility for Windows that will magically provide current weather conditions to your desktop for free and without one single pop-up. Will wonders never cease.

Solace in the Solstice

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Last night’s radio show was a blast!
It was the annual “before xmas” show and we usually cut loose and have some fun.

Our annual tradition is to play this version of Oh Holy Night. Seriously, download it and listen all the way through. You will not be disappointed. It’s even better if you can listen to it with a group of friends.

We added some 8-bit Christmas music into the mix this year. This is a cool thing where artists are taking chips from various video games and using the sounds as the sound palette for the music they create. Check out this 8 bit version of Let It Snow performed by Bit Shifter using a GameBoy sound chip that we found.

The 8 bit music scene is worth checking out. A good web site is 8 Bit Peoples and features many free downloads.

During the show we were joined by a listener bearing gifts.
In his possession was a USB Missle Launcher from Marks and Spencer.

This clever little desktop accessory connects to your PC and uses a control panel you access with your mouse to elevate, lower, rotate and FIRE three nerf-style missles. I am now using it to ward off co-workers who creep up behind me to interrupt my day with computer questions.

An added bonus for the evening arrived in the form of Carl and Suzanne, my friends from Amsterdam who are holidaying in the US. They hung out for an hour of the show before having to run off and get some rest.

A very fun night and a great kick off to the upcoming holiday weekend.

This Friday is the Fish Show. If you’re in town you should come by. It should be a real hoot.

The end of an era

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Kaveh Kanes is closed.

This is a sadness.

Technology Bytes has hosted our monthly geek gathering there since March of 2002. It was the scene of our 10th anniversary party featuring Drop Trio. It was the only place downtown to grab a good cup of coffee and have some relaxing wi-fi. The space was just COOL!


There’s a rumor that two long term employees may re-open it. One can only hope.

In the meantime we need an alternate location for the January geek gathering.
Maybe Cafe Artiste.

Of mail migrations and end users

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We are in the middle of migrating from Exchange 5.5 to Exchange 2003 after successfully avoiding Exchange 2000 all together.

1000 + users we are moving, not to mention their sundry public folders and extra mailboxes. We’ve created scripts to upgrade Office 2000 and XP to Office 2003 on all of the work stations and to convert their existing Outlook profiles. We planned for so many contingencies and yet, for the last few days, I have been on the phone pretty much non-stop. Ah, well…job security and all that!

Last weekend of ren fair coming up. One more night of fund raising at the radidio station tomorrow and the ongoing remodel of the master bathroom.

It’s so awesome being me!

Ask and you shall receive

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Doing radio on a public radio station for 2o years and it all comes down to one thing. Fundraising. Of all the feedback I receive about Technology Bytes this is where it counts. Three fundrasing espidodes this drive. 2 down and one to go.

Breaking it down:

last week’s goal: $2160
last week’s total: $2450

last night’s goal: $1920
last night’s total: $2331

next week’s goal: $1800
next week’s total: ???

Thanks to my awesome crew!
David, Phliktid, Barrett, Dwight and Peter
And thanks to all the volunteers who came down to answer calls and take pledges.

A grand experiment in tech radio

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Aurora Losada
photo by Dwight Silverman

On the the show last night we took advantage of a special guest to try something new. We were joined in the studio by Aurora Losada, editor of the Chronicle’s Spanish-language publications. Dwight had told me that Aurora was a fan of Technology Bytes and I invited her to be on the program.

Hailing from Spain and fluent in Spanish, Aurora was a perfect candidate for us to try something I had been wanting to do for some time which was to take questions in Spanish, translate them, answer them and then give the answer back to the caller in Spanish. Aurora agreed and our foray into multilingualism took flight.

The very first call was from a listener named Carlos. It worked like a charm. The rest of the evening we had various Spanish speaking callers mixed in with our regular callers. I don’t know if it was technically “good radio” but it was a blast for me and the crew and the callers who spoke Spanish seemed to enjoy it as well.

To the best of my knowledge this is the first time a technology talk show has been broadcast attempting to field calls in both English and Spanish and to my mind, it was a HUGE success.

Thanks to Aurora for being such a good sport. As Dwight mentioned in his blog, when it came to all the good natured kidding around that we like to do, “She gave as good as she got.

The “Tower of Babel” affect was achieved when Bill called in from Germany via Skype and spoke a bit in German.

All in all, four languages: English, Spanish, German and Geek.

2005 Houston Press Best of Houston Awards

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2005: Goods & Services

Best Tech Geek
Jay Lee

Jay Lee, Houston Chronicle Help Line columnist and co-host of KPFT/90.1 FM’s Technology Bytes, makes understanding the oft-frustrating wired world of computers possible for even the most basic of users. Lee’s strength is in his simple instructions and advice. But if you want to get hard-core, he can also out-geek any challenger on the methods of machinery. Lee first became interested in computers in high school in 1978 with a Tandy TRS-80 (that sleek design, the sensuous hot buttons…oh, wait, we’re talking about a machine here…), but he didn’t own his first system until the late ’80s. “It didn’t work when I took it out of the box, but I was able to sort it out myself. That’s when I knew I had a knack for computer troubleshooting,” he says. Lee notes that spyware is now the “single most common cause of computer performance problems today” and preaches with the zeal of Jimmy Swaggart in a whorehouse about the urgency to back up, back up and back up your computer’s data and files.

Hail, hail, the gangs all here!

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Many years ago I changed careers from psychology to to technology. Best life decision I ever made. The psych field is made up mostly of scammers and others who are probably more psychically and psychologically damaged than the patients they treat.

Since my move to the tech field over 12 years ago I have had a great time, earned some decent money and had the opportunity to meet and work with some of the most dynamic people one could hope to run across.

Unlike those who ponder the fragile psyches of their fellow man, these folks write software and design networks and network security systems intended to further the technological wonderland that is the very heart and soul of the Internet age we enjoy today.

Over the years, as I have moved from job to job, I have met and kept track of a handful of these guys.
Once in a blue moon when the stars are aligned just right we come together to catch up and shoot the proverbial shit.

Yesterday after work was one of those times.

Blake, myself, Kevin and Jeremy

Blake lives in Idaho now and telecommutes to work at McAfee. Kevin writes software at the same company I work for and Jeremy came back to Houston just recently after a stint at Sourcefire in Maryland. He’s back in Houston doing some work for my friends over at Alert Logic.


Ralph is an enigma, wrapped in a riddle and preparing to insult you.
We love Ralph.