I was in my home office this morning and heard this guy outside. He was pecking to beat the band. I believe him to be a sapsucker as spotted previously but I could be mistaken. More likely a Downy Woodpecker which seems more common. He’s very high up in the neighbor’s tree, but the SAL-70300G did a fine job in the bright, early morning sun.

Stop Making All That Racket!
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One thought on “Stop Making All That Racket!

  • March 2, 2009 at 11:00 am

    Good shots. It is indeed Downy Woodpecker. The tiny bill and short wings show that this is a small woodpecker. Hairy is very similar but almost double its size.Hairy furhtermore lack the black spots on the outer whitw tail feathers Nice shots. I am a “professional” birdwatcher in that I have a bird watching tour business in Peru. But birding is also my hobbby. I am strongly convinced that the new generation of birders will be recruited with cameras rather than binoculars. Good luck in your endeavours!
    Gunnar Engblom
    Kolibri Expeditions
    Lima, Peru

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