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The night train from Paris to Venice was an experience to say the least.
We shared a cabin with a Nigerian man who was friendly enough but seemed out of place on a train to Venice.
We made conversation and then bedded down for the night.
As the train rolled through the darkness I dosed off and dreamed of bizarre train sequences from various WWII movies. Then, at 4:00 am I was awakened by a knocking on the cabin door. We had stopped and a uniformed Italian policeman was asking us questions. He was most interested in the man from Nigeria. The conversation was mostly in Italian (which the Nigerian man spoke fluently) and the policeman searched his luggage thoroughly. After about 45 minutes he was done and he left. I fell back asleep as the train pulled out and continued us on our journey.
We arrived in Venice around 8:30 this morning.
I found my way to St. Marks and got a picture right where my grandfather stood in 1919.

One of the sites we were anxious to see was the so-called “Bridge of Sighs.” Legend has it that this bridge received it’s name because the prisoners who passed through it on their way to the prison cells on the other side would most likely see the beautiful sight of the lagoon and the island of S.Giorgio and freedom for the last time.
This is probably an apocryphal tale but it makes a great story.
William was happy to see it.

The food here is awesome and the weather is magnificent. We leave the day after tomorrow for Florence.
Cynthia’s ability to speak Spanish is helping us in many ways since the languages are very similar.
That is so cool that you got a picture in the same place that your grandfather took a picture more than 80 years ago. I don’t know of many pictures of my family. :-/
I would also like to add that you are a snazzy dresser! Actually, you dress just like me. haha. WORK SHIRT WEARERS UNITE!
You must have the cuttlefish!
That is so awesome Jay!
And Arianna is really enjoying the adventures of your stuffed animal. She asked if you were going to take it to Scottland, because she likes to say Scottland 😉
Maybe that guy was one of those Nigerian spammers and the long arm of the law finally caught up to him.
Loving the pictures and the stories. I am so jealous!
Ok you need to take the picture where your grandfather stood again.. the angle is all different. I can’t quite meld the two pics in photoshop and have you share the pic with him.
Cool! I knew I could make you co-obsess about WWII while over there. But it’s only when you spot Peter Lorre and Marlene Dietrich boarding your train that you know you’re really in trouble.