Houston Roller Derby – Ring Of Fire

I was looking forward to this month’s roller derby match as I knew it would be a good chance to put the new lens through it’s paces. Shooting sports in low light presents a unique set of optical challenges and I figured the new toy would be up to the task, and it was. I ended up shooting most of the match with it and only swapping to the wide angle for some experimental shots.

I liked being able to shoot the far side of the track as well as being able to go up into the balcony seats and shoot down on the action. Much more versatile than I imagined once I began to embrace the concept of “being the zoom.” In other words, moving my physical self to change the framing and focal length. Something that’s not always easy to do, but this event lent itself well to the concept.

The rest of my shots are in the HRD Flickr site. Check them out at http://www.flickr.com/photos/hrdart/sets/72157606680709501

Beat Box

Percussion instrument used during a performance of Clouseaux.

I like the absurdity of a box being miked as it looks like it’s about to be interviewed…

Host: Joining us now, a wooden box touring with the musical group, Clouseaux…

Wooden Box: It’s great to be here!

Host: How’s the tour going?

Wooden Box: Aside from the constant beatings, it’s terrific!

More pics here

Edouard Aftermath

The rain is a much appreciated byproduct of non-hurricane Edouard, as is the lack of catastrophe. But kudos to the local media outlets for milking it for all it was worth. I’ve never seen so much televised sprinkling and ponding!

I for one was happy this turn out to be a “non-event” even though many of my co-workers chose to take the day off. All the better for me to get caught up on my work and enjoy a traffic free commute both ways.

Houston Press Music Awards 2008 – The Results

After receiving 2 e-mails and one phone call from the folks at The Houston Press that indicated they would REALLY like to see us at the award ceremony on Wednesday I had a strong suspicion that my band may have actually won this year.

At the risk of fatal disappointment, I asked my co-hosts on Technology Bytes to cover for me while I attended the award ceremony just to be on the safe side

There was a lot of buzz about The Tontons who were nominated for Best New Act. They even performed during one of the intermissions.

The Tontons did, in fact, win Best New Act

some of the other winners that evening:

Best Neo-Folk: Sideshow Tramps
Best Miscellaneous Instrument: Geoffrey Muller (Sideshow Tramps, Umbrella Man, Pistoleros de Tejas)

Best Bassist: Nick Gaitan (Umbrella Man, Billy Joe Shaver)

Best Punk: Los Skarnales
Best Rock en Espanol: Los Skarnales
Best Male Vocalist: Felipe Galvan (Los Skarnales)

And did I make the right choice abandoning my cohorts to attend the ceremony?

I can has Houston Press Music Award!

Unfortunately my bandmates could not attend the event so I celebrated for the five of us.

The complete winner’s list can be found here.

The rest of the pics are in the 2008 Houston Press Music Awards Gallery.