El Orbits – Promo Shots

Went out to 3700 Main to take some shots of The El Orbits for possible use on the upcoming new album as well as other promotional material.

Let me tell you, shooting for fun is one thing, shooting on spec is a different animal entirely. I shoot in my own particular style and “as my mood dictates.” I capitalize on opportune lighting and subject matter and I do it for my own pleasure.

Setting up a shot and trying for a specific effect combined with dealing with various personalities makes me edgy. Of course they’re all friends and that helps. But still, I get stage fright from behind the camera if that makes any sense.

I have a ton of photos to process this week. These two jumped out right off the bat:

We’ll see how they stand up after I’ve had a chance to more fully review what I’ve got.

Portraits of Jim – revisited

When I first got my 50m 1.4 lens for the Sony Alpha 100 about a year ago, I shot a couple of quick, casual shots of my friend Jim while having lunch.

They were very clean and I really liked what I got just off the cuff, as it were.

In looking at them now I decided I could probably coax a little more life out of them with a few tweaks in Photoshop.

Click for full size

Click for full size

The originals can be seen here.

Geek Party

The party celebrating the 12th anniversary of Technology Bytes was, by all measures, a huge success. We had a good crowd and a good time was had by all. DJ Amanda Robinson was excellent in the mix and The Free Radicals were quite a lot of fun, especially when they performed a version of the theme song we use to open the show each week.

Thanks to everyone who came out!

Here are some random shots I managed to take in between all the socializing…