On Sunday I met up with over 70 of my fellow Houston area photographers and Flickr users at The Houston Museum Of Natural Science for a rare photographic opportunity. My good friend Laurie (aka Laanba) had arranged with Erin Blatzer, Assistant Director of Public Relations at Houston Museum of Natural Science, to have us all gain FREE access to the museum after closing time to shoot pictures. We had access to photograph things that you normally don’t get to take pictures of. This, combined with the ability setup tripods and avoid the crowd made for some rather unique results which can be seen in the Assigment: Houston Flickr pool.

Assigment: Houston is a fantastic Houston photography group that brings Houston area photographers together with a theme each month and this month it was the museum. In previous months it’s been Galveston, Discovery Green, Downtown and so forth. It’s cool to see all the different takes the members come up with.

I really enjoyed this meetup and look forward to the next one.

This is (in my opinion) the best shot I got of the evening (click to see the larger version):

Here are a few of my other favorites

I didn’t end up shooting as many pictures as I could have, mostly due to jabber jawing with people I have never met in person or simply just don’t see often enough. The rest of my puny collection reside in my Flickr gallery

Photography Field Trip
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4 thoughts on “Photography Field Trip

  • July 14, 2008 at 7:49 am

    I really like the shot with the windmills. I also shot a lot less than I should have due to assisting Will with the 4×5 and talking to folks.

  • July 14, 2008 at 8:55 am

    Awesome! Looks like a blast. I really need to get a decent camera (and some photog skills) to be privy to neat stuff like this.

  • July 15, 2008 at 2:23 pm

    I love how you captured the neon – very hard to do. I think my favorite is the people filing past the “Museum Closed” sign, though. Thanks for coming – and for sharing your photos! If you’d like, I would love to have you post them in the HMNS Flickr pool, too. http://flickr.com/groups/hmns/

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