In our main living area of our home there is this triangular shaped section of wall above the bar. It’s pretty high up and has always been something Cynthia wanted to decorate in some fashion or another. At one time we had hung some pictures but you really can’t see them way up there. We had hunted for a larger picture but never could find anything suitable.

Years passed and Cynthia eventually decided to make a colorful quilt to hang in that spot. Over the last few months Cynthia started to put one together and completed it last week. It’s almost entirely made from fabric scraps she had laying around and I think her total cost out of pocket for the project was $8 for some dowel rods and the batting.

We were going to hang it last weekend before we discovered that the ladder we owned was not tall enough to reach the spot where the nails had to be placed to hang the darn thing.

This weekend I was able to borrow a suitable ladder and up it went. I think it looks pretty awesome.

Home improvement
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2 thoughts on “Home improvement

  • January 16, 2006 at 10:13 am

    The ceiling beams remind me of the den in the house i grew up in.

  • January 16, 2006 at 10:35 am

    That is very very cute and brings in the pillows! The pillows with out the quilt would look incomplete and the quilt without the pillows would look incomplete. Good job!

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