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My apologies to those who have already seen this…but I am moving the Dooley posts from the old blog to this one.
There are things one must consider when owning an exotic pet, not the least of which are their dietary needs. Foods that are necessary to sustain your pet are essential in the promotion of good health and mental well being.
Take Dooley, my African Gray parrot, for example.
Many of us enjoy the french fry but do you know where french fries come from?
That’s right! AFRICA!!
African Gray parrots are sustained on a steady diet of french fries which grow wild and plentiful in the deepest jungles of Africa. French fries contain essential vitamins and minerals not found in any other food. That is why it is important to supplement Dooley’s diet with the occasional McDonalds french fry.

Another little known fact about African Gray parrots is that every winter they migrate to Antarctica to feed on life sustaining ice collected from the glaciers. While it has not been determined the exact nutritional benefit of ice it is known that an African Gray parrot that is deprived of ice for long periods of time will become irritable and “beaky”.
Sadly, Dooley was not raised in the wild so was never taught the proper way to eat ice and, as a result, struggles with the concept.

Dooley takes the ice cube from the water bowl.
Left foot, cold.
Right foot, cold.
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My african grey does the same thing. She is addicted to ice cubes. i searched google to see if there are other greys that do the same thing. LOL
my husband is always trying new foods for our grey*(of course i have a list of no nos for him) But I also think ice cubes are the craziest! but our bird luvs luvs luvs them!
any known reason? whats really funny is as far as regular drinks she likes them warm, and in fact i often add warm water to get her to drink
anyways glad to know other greys like ice too
by the by i think my bird is an italian grey, not african, as it loves bread pasta raw or cooked!