I was invited (via Katie) to participate in the Houston arm of the Metroblogging project.

What is Metroblogging?

With almost 40 active sites, Metroblogging is the largest and fastest growing network of city-specific blogs on the Web. From San Francisco to Bangkok, from Karachi to Toronto, Metblogs are a hyper-local look at what’s going on in the city. Our hand-picked core of regional bloggers give each site a new perspective on daily life; less calendar listings, more friendly advice. With Metblogs, you can read about life and times in your neighborhood, your favorite places to visit, places where you’ve never been, or get a feel for them all with the daily “best of” blog on the hub at metroblogging.com.

This from Wikipedia:

Metroblogging is an online local media project founded and owned by Sean Bonner and Jason DeFillippo. Started in Los Angeles in November 2003, the project currently includes 33 city-specific blogs around the world making it the largest location based network. Contributors include Xeni Jardin and Wil Wheaton (Los Angeles), Johannes Grenzfurthner (Vienna), and Joi Ito (Tokyo).

The Metroblogging network was recently voted into Forbes Magazine’s Best of the Web and has been quoted in and written about by various media – such as USA Today and Tagesschau. Parts of Metroblogging are also in Technorati’s “Popular blogs” list (the Top 100), which is measured by link popularity among the blogosphere.

Basically, Katie is my editor. I have not yet been granted an account on the site so I send my Houston specific posts to her for inclusion at Houston Metblogs. With all of my other projects/responsibilities I can’t dedicate too much time to it but it’s nice to be invited.

There are some good writers there and based on my log files the site gets a fair amount of traffic so it’s only going to add awareness to my other projects, plus it’s a chance to extend my writing even further.

Perhaps as time allows I will be able to contribute more to the project.

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