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It was an awesome day today. The weather is really fantastic. Temps are in the 70’s with lot’s of sunshine and low, low humidity. Cynthia and I decided to go downtown and shoot some pics. She is testing some different film in her camera and we wanted to see how it would do before we leave for Europe.
We headed to The Flying Saucer for some beers and then headed off down Main Street.
Tested the tripod and the timer. Worked well.

Mostly she was just burning film and I was just snapping this and that. Still ended up with a nice one of Cynthia at the corner of Main and Texas.

You can forget all your troubles, forget all your cares and go…
Ya’ll are so cute! I can’t wait to see pics from your trip and you aren’t even there yet!
That second picture is really great! And Robb’s been pretty fond of the Flying Saucer lately… we always take one of the “tours” with the little six ounce glasses on a platter.
Perhaps we’ll all meet and have a drink. I dig the saucer on a Saturday afternoon.
Well, I planned to meet some people at 7, but I can meet you a little earlier if you’d like to drink it up!
I will be going to the Continental Club Sat eve to see Sean Reefer and Los Skarnales. I’ll stop by the Flying Saucer and hang with you guys before I do!