After having seen Strange Fruit perform “Spheres” on Saturday night at Discovery Green I was compelled to make it back out for their Sunday afternoon performance of “Swoon.”
I was reluctant, Fall in Houston seems rather meaningless. It was hot and humid but I felt the sunshine and the unique photographic opportunity was worth braving the elements for, so I headed out for the 3:00 pm show.
Again, the actors shimmied up their bendy poles, but rather than orbs they donned period costuming and performed a love story (of sorts)…all in pantomime set to music. I was struck by how much the whole thing looked like a René Magritte painting come to life.
The blue sky, the George R. Brown and the aerial acrobatics all combined for a very thrilling and enjoyable show. I like how it appeared that the actors were literally falling from the sky at some points during the performance.
Additional images in the gallery
Totally awesome. I saw this on the schedule, but was unable to make it over.
What goregous pictures. I wish I’d known about and gotten to see the show…very Magritte-like, as you said. You captured that very well in your pictures.
love the shots and i love how theres a rainbow in the bottom right corner of the last shot, it just makes it a even better 😀
Hey… That’s me in that shot! I’ve worked for Strange Fruit for 10 years and I believe that is the best shot taken of me. I love it, thanks for sharing it. We had an awesome time in Texas and have lovely memories of the people we met there.