Here is just a small sampling of the hundreds of fallas that dot the city. It’s interesting to think that these are so temporary. The most common comment I get when I mention to people back home that these will be burned at the end of the festival is something like “what a waste.” I don’t think so. Everything is temporary and this festival celebrates that along with the concept of renewal…and besides, things that burn and go boom are so coooool!
We’re still looking for the one we want to watch burn.
Speaking of burning, we are still deciding which one we want to see get torched. We’ll have to stake out a spot early as the crowds get very large for the better and larger fallas when it is time for the crema.
Wow! The detail and color on those fallas are amazing.
Burn baby burn!
Wow, excellent images. Simply amazing.
Pretty awesome stuff and a great thing to experience. How can you choose they are all great and will be even better when they are a blaze
interesting – closedt i’ve come to something like this is burning man
What is the environmental impact of these things?
I know, I’m such a buzz-kill.
I was looking at your amazing photos, and wondered what they were made of. Some searching online says it’s mostly wood, papier mache, etc., but also mentioned styrofoam and polyurethane.
Is there any move to keep them as green-burning as possible?