Hard to believe that Technology Bytes has been on the air for 13 years, but here we are. I remember when we started up there was not much Internet going on for the general public. Windows 95 had just come out and everyone seemed to be scrambling to get multimedia kits installed in their 486 computers or get their modems upgraded to 33.6 or 56K so they could dial into their favorite BBS
A lot has changed in the last 13 years and Technology Bytes has been there for the ride.
Come help us celebrate this milestone in style as we get down, get funky at Dean’s Credit Clothing on Saturday July 19th from 7:30 till ?
Dean’s is a very cool space located at 316 Main St. in Houston, TX and features a full bar and a great atmosphere. DJ Amanda Robinson will be laying down the tracks as our DJ for the evening. We’re inviting all fans and friends of Technology Bytes (past, present and future) to join us so consider coming out to help us celebrate.
Please spread the word!
Congratulations on 13 years of public service in the digital domain!
Don’t forget the Frozen Cosmos!