I’ve started the process of going through the 2500+ pictures I took during the trip. Right now I am just sorting pictures into folders for each major city visited. Then I will go through and break it down by site. After that I will need to go through and cull out the blurries and the duplicates.

Cynthia has another 1500 or so on her camera that need to be downloaded and processed.

Then comes deciding which ones to print for our “scrapbook.”

And no, it’s not one of those cutesy-crafty “hey, pass me the Elmer’s Glue, construction paper and a pair of scissors” kind of scrapbooks that seems to be all the rage these days.

It’s just something to put the pics in and all the paper we collected. Things like hotel receipts, metro and train ticket stubs, museum tickets and so forth.

The one from our European vacation was 3 fat three-ringed binders full. I expect this one to be even larger.

As I’m slowly going through my pictures I keep finding some cool ones I forgot about.

Something about convex mirrors compels me.

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That’s the Edificio Metropolis in the background so I know this was taken somewhere near The Gran Via and Calle de Alcala.

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It’s going to be fun going through these…

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2 thoughts on “Scrapbook

  • November 7, 2007 at 7:18 am

    You know its funny, I absolutely hate pictures of myself and I don’t like taking self portraits, but I don’t mind taking reflected shots when I’m out and about. Strange.

  • November 15, 2007 at 1:08 pm

    How was Spain? Did you guys like it? I have to tell you, these are probably some of the most amazing photos I’ve seen about my country. Looking at your shots in madrid mad eme feel sooo nostalgic. All that jamon and cafe con churros made me feel pretty hungry too!
    Hope to see both Cynthia and you soon.

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