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Click for full size
I’ve been rather tickled that many of my photos have ended up in places like Myspace as bands’ and friends’ profile pictures. I’ve even had a few show up in photo galleries on more official band web sites.
I am almost always asked for permission and my only stipulation is a photo credit, a link back to my site and please ask first. I think that’s fair.
For now it’s cool and novel to just give them away in such a manner. It’s free publicity, not that I am looking to go pro or anything (yet). Besides, what else would I do with them other than let them languish on my hard drive…
A few weeks ago I was contacted by the webmaster for Wayne “The Train” Hancock about using some of my photos on the web site. I’m a pretty big fan and this was fine by me. I gave the guy permission to use what he wanted from my site. There’s no money involved, but I do get a photo credit and a link back to my site so that’s pretty cool.
I just got an e-mail from the webmaster letting me know the pics had been added to Wayne’s photo gallery. What he didn’t tell me was that one of them is on the entry page.
Rock on!