The Rocrament show was everything I had hoped for and much, MUCH more.

When Jim Henkel recorded those Rocrament songs over 10 years ago I never thought I would hear them performed live. The whole thing was a larf. A recording by a band that didn’t exist. Greg wrote the songs and Jim went into the studio and made the recording on which he played all the parts. Rhythm guitar, lead guitar, bass, drums, vocals and backing vocals all multi-tracked and masterfully mixed into an awesome recording.

Last night was the punch-line to a 12 year old joke, if that makes any sense.

I shot this show primarily with the 20mm 1.8 as I needed the wide angle. I got some really good results!
All the pics from that show are IN THE GALLERY.

Destiny will have it’s due
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4 thoughts on “Destiny will have it’s due

  • June 23, 2007 at 8:54 am

    I recall driving Greg somewhere once and him popping in the tape. Only thing I remember was a heavy metal song about triangles, I think.

  • June 23, 2007 at 9:58 am

    CRAP…forgot all about that show! i hope they play again! looks…interesting. ;P

  • June 29, 2007 at 3:04 pm

    hey, do you have any picture of miranda wearing the robot box? (this is she) i recall you taking 2 or 3, though i do not see any posted!! if you have any available, could you email them to me?


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