Looking down and across the 610 loop from my building I noticed several oversized boots in Post Oak Park and even though it’s freezing cold, I decided to walk over and take the camera.
Definitely a Rodeo thing. I saw some from another Flickr user over at Eleanor Tinsley Park which now makes me wonder where else these boots are. I couldn’t find out any information.
These boots are located on the north side of Allen parkway, approximately .3 miles west of downtown Houston. (right next to Buffalo Bayou, which runs between Allen Parkway and Memorial Dr) I hope this helps…
Definitely a Rodeo thing. I saw some from another Flickr user over at Eleanor Tinsley Park which now makes me wonder where else these boots are. I couldn’t find out any information.
These boots are located on the north side of Allen parkway, approximately .3 miles west of downtown Houston. (right next to Buffalo Bayou, which runs between Allen Parkway and Memorial Dr) I hope this helps…
More information, including additonal locations, can be found at the official Rodeo sight at the following link:
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