Found a cafe that will let you connect USB devices so I am adding two pics taken yesterday.

Yes, I AM a tourist.

William the sheep is overjoyed to be in Paris and see the sights.


We stayed up late so I could use the tripod and get this shot


Oh yea, before we left Bruges, Cynthia got the hookup at the Dumon Chocolate Shop. This place is pretty amazing. It went a long way toward lifting her spirits after the “incident.”

We went to the top of the tower today and we also walked to the Arc d’Triumph. Tomorrow is the Louvre.

Finally got some IO
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3 thoughts on “Finally got some IO

  • May 12, 2005 at 8:10 pm

    nothing wrong with being a tourist at all!

    MAN! All of those chocolates look so GOOD! I can’t wait until I’m able to take a similar adventure as yourself. 😀

  • May 17, 2005 at 3:13 pm

    Jay’s a few days gone from Paris, but here’s something in the news today:

    Tue May 17,10:20 AM ET

    PARIS (Reuters) – A Norwegian man died parachuting off the Eiffel Tower after his parachute became tangled up in the metal structure, a French police source said on Tuesday.

    The 31-year-old jumped off the second floor of the structure on Monday night, planning to descend safely to the ground. But his equipment became caught in the monument and he landed on the floor below.

    “The jump didn’t happen quite as he wanted,” the police source said. “He died on impact.” It is illegal to parachute from the 300-meter (980-foot) high landmark. The police were not aware of the man’s plan and have opened an investigation.

    Hundreds of people, most of them committing suicide, have jumped to their deaths from the tower which was built in 1889 for an exhibition celebrating the French Revolution.

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