Car Show Miniature

The Classy Chassis Car Show provided ample fodder for some more fake models. I know they’re cheezy, but I like ’em. You might recall Mini-Urquhart Castle and Mini-Arc D’Triumph posted previously.

When executing this eye/mind trick it’s good to have a strong down angle. It lends itself quite well to the table-top miniature illusion.

Car Show Fake Model

Car Show Fake Model

Car Show Fake Model

Slightly larger versions available by clicking the corresponding image

Welcome to Camelot! (It’s just a model) SHHHHHHHHH!

Continuing to experiment with simulated tilt-shift.
I suppose I will eventually need to just break down and buy a lens.
This is infinitely cheaper, though.

Urquhart Castle from a picture I took on our trip to the UK a few years back.

Urquhart Castle

This is the St. Angel Bridge in Rome from last years European vacation

St. Angel Bridge

It is helpful to use photographs taken from above. This tricks the mind much better because when we think of looking at a model we usually see it on a table top.

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