I’ve been spending a few hours each day sifting through photos from the trip. It’s an arduous task. I am processing over 3,000 images collected while we were in Spain.
The main goal is to isolate the ones I want to print, edit them if necessary and then make a re sized copy for upload to the gallery.
On the one hand, it’s fun going through the images. On the other hand, it’s making me a little loopy.
While I was processing the pics from Seville I noticed that I had two pictures of the garden of the Alcazar that were pretty cool. They got me to thinking that I really was wishing for a super wide angle on that day to try to capture more of the garden in one shot instead of these two:
Thanks to Photoshop, I now have the shot I couldn’t get in the field….
Back to work to the photo-mines….
Obviously there is more than one way to skin a cat…or get the picture you really wanted. Don’t we love modern technology! Happy Thanksgiving!