Random Youtube discovery.
Someone named Melissa Hickson posted this with a blurb about it being an extra credit project after reading All Quiet on the Western Front.
It’s a slide show of still photographs set to The Flu Pandemic which is a song from our “Loch Ness Monster” CD.
Flying Fish Sailors music video
That is the funniest thing ever. 😀
Nice Iwo Jima image (*cough* 1945).
Quite humorous, though. I enjoyed.
That’s awesome. I played the video for my daughter this evening, since “The Flu Pandemic” was her first favorite song, one we danced to about the room following bathtime everynight for around a year.
that was cool. Some of the millions looked like Woodstock attendees though…
the money shot on the sneeze was priceless.
very clever. 🙂
That is fabulous!!!
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