(yea, I stole the subject line from the story in the Houston Press)

Knit one, perl two, arrrr!
Knit one, perl two, arrrrrr!

I got an e-mail from Christine, the proprietess of Big Pink Cookie. Apparently she is producing a podcast about knitting called Pointy Sticks.

It occured to her that the song I wrote for the Flying Fish Sailors, Poke You In The Eye, would make the perfect theme song for the program. Being the ethical person she is, she sought permission from the author before proceeding and I, being the generous person I am, gave her said permission.

Episode one and two lack the theme song but her husband Mike (www.coffeecorner.org) informed me yesterday that subsequent episodes will feature my little ditty with all the appropriate credits and sundry hoo-ha.

So yea, it’s not the generational anthem I may have envisioned in my optimisic and glory seeking youth, but it’s still cool knowing that small children and domestic adults alike might take delight in singing about poking someone in the eye.

If you would like to hear the song you can download it here.

Keep on knitting in the free world!

Knitta, please!

One thought on “Knitta, please!

  • March 1, 2006 at 6:55 pm

    I’m going to poke you in the eye … poke you in the eye … poke you in the eye, my dear! 😀 Seriously, it is the *perfect* theme for Pointy Sticks, since I have been singing it non-stop for the past few weeks. (Ever since the show launched.)

    Are there any other FFS songs that I can “air” on the show? You know, to help promote my overall love of the band? Haul, U-Haul, Haul is always a good one, but there are so many that I adore. Let me know what you think. Are any of them available through the Podsafe Music Network? It would be nice to include another one in the upcoming episode that I will be recording within the next day or two. Let me know.

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