Commencing countdown, engines on.
If my impending trip to Europe were to be compared to a black hole you might say I have reached the event horizon. Time is slowing down as I am pulled into a singularity that is my vacation…
The next few days stretch out before me in what seems to be an eternity.
It’s an odd feeling. Matter is energy and I am vibrating at a whole new frequency. Soon I will be invisible to the naked eye of employment (if only for a short time). Who knows what wonders await on the other side?
I guess I do since I have been planning for so long now.
Stephen Hawking, Ray Romano, The Simpsons and analogies
Watching the Simpson’s last night I thought of Dooley. After each joke I wondered “Is Dooley Laughing”? WWDD
Dooley did laugh at a few key spots. It’s still funny when he does it.
WWDD! That’s hillarious!
I feel the same way about the end of the school year . . . the days get painfully longer & more stretched out feeling . . .
I theorize that you are actually a 14th dimensional thread of matter-energy and your vibration is about to slightly change…
…nope that’s just crazy talk, it’s as if some hashish from the future is talking.