We managed to have everything work out for getting checked out of the hotel in Vienna, catch the subway with one transfer and get to the train station with time to spare and catch our 5 hour train to Prague. The driver met us at the Prague station and drove us to the apartment office to get checked in and then to the apartment itself.

We’re tired but managed to get our bearings with a short walk and dinner.

This is home sweet home for the next 10 days

And this is the view from the back patio

We’ve found the local grocery store and laid in some supplies.

Arrival Prague

One thought on “Arrival Prague

  • September 14, 2010 at 5:55 pm

    If you can, have dinner at the Cafe Imperial. It is an absolutely gorgeous restaurant, you will undoubtedly take many pictures of the interior if you go. Follow this link – http://www.hotel-imperial.cz/index.html?page=dining – the pictures on their website do not do the interior of this restaurant justice. Plus, the food is very reasonable and fabulous!

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