simpbeesA few days ago I noticed a huge pile of bees under our front window.

We called the exterminator and they took care of them.

Turns out they had not successfully established a hive and were relatively easy to get rid of which saved us a few hundred buck as a hive removal is costly.

This is our third encounter with the bees. Is there such a thing as “Bee-Be-Gone”?

Leave Me Bee!

3 thoughts on “Leave Me Bee!

  • April 18, 2009 at 11:27 am

    Maybe you should set up an empty bee hive/frame near the house, and when it becomes “infested” have a bee keeper come buy from you (and take it with him).

  • April 18, 2009 at 12:21 pm

    Hmmmm…I wonder if that would work or if the bees would keep (pun intended) making a beeline for the spot under the window they seem to be attracted to.

  • April 20, 2009 at 2:59 pm

    In fact there is a spray called Bee-Go! It’s used by beekeepers to expel the colony so the queen can be grabbed. It is horribly stinky.
    These bees are probably smelling an old nest – it’s honey and comb – and want to set up a hive there. You must seal every hole/crack/entry point so they can’t get in again!
    If the swarm has a fertilized queen it MIGHT go into a hive box on its own if the box is secure/quiet and attached to the very spot they’re attracted to…

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