Every Thanksgiving at our house over the last few years has been a rather relaxed affair.
Cynthia cooks up a very traditional meal, usually a Turkey and all the trimmings and we invite a few friends over to join us for dinner, drinks and conversation.

This year we invited Owen Finn over for dinner. Owen is a recent transplant to Houston from Galway Ireland. He transferred here to our Houston office to take a position that had opened up managing our customer facing services. Services like external tech support for our software and our maintenance renewals.

I had recently gone out drinking with Owen and another co-worker who was visiting from the Galway office. I did my best to keep up with two drunk Irishmen but was completely outmatched.

The evening was extemely fun and as I related it to Cynthia she suggested we invite Owen over so we could treat him to his first Thanksgiving. Owen’s here in advance of his family who will be moving here in January so it was a good bet he would have been on his own that day.

Owen is incredibly funny and a great story teller. He’s got this thick Irish accent and when he says words that begin with TH he just pronounces them with a hard T sound. Thursday becomes Turrrsday and Thanksgiving become Tanksgiving.

We arranged for him to come over at tree minutes to tree on Turrsday for Tanksgiving.

It was a great time. Jim Henkel joined us later on and we sat around drinking coffee and telling jokes and stories.

At one point Cynthia broke out the Book Of Lists which is a compendium of interesting facts and began quizzing us.

One of the questions she asked was “What are the seven stages of drunkenness.”

None of us really knew the seven stages. Well, we knew from experience, but not formally.

Turns out they are:


After Owen and Jim had left Cynthia and I got to talking and she decided that what Owen needed was the list of the seven stages of drunkenness. And not just a writren list, oh no.
She would immortalize them in cross stitch.

She got some graph paper and drew it out and then dug up her cross stiching supplies and turned this out:

Seven Stages of Drunkenness
Click image for full size

I’m giving it to him tomorrow.


5 thoughts on “Tanksgiving

  • November 28, 2006 at 8:03 pm

    Your wife sounds like such a cool person and every subsequent post about her solidifies my opinion.

  • November 28, 2006 at 9:50 pm

    I think Cynthia is the perfect woman.

    I think I would want her for my friend if I was still in Houston.

    These have rapidly become my favorite stories.

    Cynthia Tales!

  • November 28, 2006 at 9:54 pm

    that’s awesome!
    My friends and I also have a list of stages of drunkenness. It’s something like “drunk, charming, invincible, invisble”

  • November 28, 2006 at 10:34 pm

    That is so completely awesome!

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