I have just learned that Houston artist and good friend Mik Miano passed away.

A prolific artist, his metal sculptures are major part of the interior architecture or Rudyard’s British Pub and he’s the designer of the Houston Press Music Awards trophies in 2008 and 2009.

There’s a Facebook group called I can now post pictures of Mik for posting pics and memories of Mik for those so inclined.

Mik Miano – R.I.P.
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8 thoughts on “Mik Miano – R.I.P.

  • March 9, 2010 at 9:53 pm

    A true loss to the Houston community. I will mss Mik’s conversation and wit.

  • March 10, 2010 at 10:18 am

    I met Mik Miano for the first time maybe 10 years ago at a local bar called Rudyard’s. Every time I saw him after that, even though we weren’t best friends, he always treated me like I was one. He was down to earth and from our conversations I had determined that he was a welder. One night a group of us walked over to the bar next-door to see the works of 5 or 6 artists that were on display. After we finished looking at everything, Mik asked me what I thought. I told him there were several pieces I really liked but a lot of it was “just okay”. He got this look on his face like that of a child who had started to wonder if Santa Claus might not be real but was too afraid to ask. I didn’t think much of it at the time, chalking it up to all of the beer we’d been drinking. As Julie and I were heading home I told her how awesome the art pieces made of iron and stained glass were and that someday I wanted to be able to buy some. She told me that Mik had made them and that he’d done all of the steel and iron artwork at Rudyard’s too. It hit me like a 120 pound sack of hammers, “God I am such a dumb ass!!!”. For weeks I was haunted by the fact that I’d had no idea Mik was an amazing artist and that when given the opportunity to tell him how gifted I thought he was, I failed him. As time passed I was able to tamper with these nawing feelings by telling myself the next time I saw him I would explain things and let him know how wonderful his work was. But I never got the chance. I found out this morning that Mik has passed away. Having only had brief contact with him and knowing how sad I am right now, I can only image what his true best friends must be feeling. You will be missed Mik.

  • March 11, 2010 at 3:26 pm

    I have a very special relationship with Mik. He was with me in LA when my fiance and his very good friend Anthony McCubbin was killed by a drive by shooting. Anthony had hired him for welding for a huge project for Paul Mcartny’s stage back in 1989. I don’t think Mik was ever the same after both of us lost Anthony in such a violent way. I gratefully own one of Mik’s delicate roses that I will always cherish forever. Mik was such a sweet and funny guy, loved by so many. I would like to think of him with Anthony being happy and a little mischievous as they were on this earth. I would like to know if there are any memorials for Mik, because I would love to attend.
    God Bless you Mik. One of these days I will join yall and we can have a huge party!

  • March 12, 2010 at 10:41 am

    Wake is at Rudz Friday March 12 6-10pm

  • March 17, 2010 at 1:56 pm

    Mik Miano was what they said and more.

    Sweet, talented, humble, down-to-earth and more. Yes! “A Really Nice Guy”!!!

    And yes, there is more we could have said and maybe done, but that did not happen.

    Linda, yes, losing Anthony like that was a life-changing event for him. He spoke of it, but for now we cherish the good and know that for now he has laid down his burdens, for now.

    And also for now, please help me to find out how to send condolences to his family and especially to his Mother.

    Thank you and God Bless.

  • August 7, 2010 at 10:00 am

    I worked with Mik at winston Fab in the 80’s and bought a car from him and DID A LOT OF PARTYING with him lost touch years ago but he was a true friend to all

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