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Today is the 100th anniversary of the explosion that flattened some 500,000 acres of Siberian forest near the Podkamennaya Tunguska River on June 30, 1908
Commonly referred to as the “Tunguska Event” it is widely accepted that the explosion was the result of an air burst of a large meteoroid or comet fragment at an altitude of 3″“6 miles above Earth’s surface.
I remain unconvinced.
100 Years Ago Today
It was…. ALIENS!
Yup, we figured that putting the colony ship down in Siberia would be a great cover. Mostly out of the way, natives who were only interested in farming, and a government that was on it’s way to a fantastic secret keeping organization.
Silly me, I just have this fondness for the date, so all of my rejuivnations have been on June 30th. What can I say, I’ve gone soft on your wet little world.
There is some stuff out at io9.
That coo-coo crazy Nikola, you never what he was up to next…….